CAP | Homeland Security
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Commercialization Accelerator Program (CAP)

Bridging the gap between federal scientific research and the marketplace requires a process specifically designed to accelerate technology maturity and create partnerships with private industry. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) established the Commercialization Accelerator Program (CAP) to address this need. Through CAP, DHS S&T is adapting and leveraging federally funded mission-relevant technologies to enhance the operational capabilities of DHS and Homeland Security Enterprise (HSE) end users.

CAP has three main goals:

  • Identify promising federally funded technologies that address an existing or imminent need that impacts the DHS mission.
  • Increase utilization of federally funded R&D to enhance HSE capabilities through partnerships, product development efforts, and commercialization.
  • Improve the long-term ability of federal government research organizations to more efficiently transfer HSE-relevant technologies. 

Do you have ground-breaking technology that can support DHS missions?

CAP will not be releasing a new RFI in Fiscal Year 2024. If you would like to join the mailing list for notification of future CAP funding opportunities and events, please provide your email address to CAP at:


Last Updated: 06/14/2024
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