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Human Phantom for Millimeter Wave Imaging Test and Evaluation


The orbiting actuated 3D spinning sensor device can be added to a lidar system to create high-resolution 3D composite images.

Human-like model that safely and accurately tests millimeter wave-based advanced imaging technology (AIT) systems.

Millimeter wave (MMW) imaging systems are used to screen people for dangerous items such as weapons, explosives, and contraband. MMW machines send out radiation that bounces off the body and concealed object(s) to create an image. Currently, testing is largely performed with mock passengers wearing live or simulated threats. Replacing humans with mannequins would provide a number of benefits, including reducing manpower costs associated with testing, and improving safety and repeatability.

This human phantom model solves current challenges by using a thin, lightweight conductive “skin” that provides reflectivity similar to that of the human body without the use of magnetic materials. The underlying structure can be configured to match humans of different ages, genders, and body mass index values. Testing with these phantoms would allow for screening of hazardous threats that cannot currently be utilized with live humans and would be more representative of the traveling public.

Technology Category Transportation Security & Explosives Characterization Solutions
Stage of Development Proof of Concept
Inventor(s) Jeffrey Brian Barber
Peter Roland Smith
James Christopher Weatherall
Barry Thomas Smith
US Patent number US10,254,170; US10,267,904; US10,697,834; US10,973,958
Partnerships Sought Sources sought for manufacturing of prototype(s)
DHS Component Science and Technology Directorate
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Human Phantom for Millimeter Wave Imaging Test and Evaluation PDF 2.96 MB 04/29/2024
Last Updated: 04/30/2024
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