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Sound-Fueled Electrical and Cooling System


3D-Printed Energy Converter for Remote Areas and Transportation Systems Using Thermoacoustic Technology to Convert Waste Heat to Power

Thermoacoustic heat exchangers use sound waves to cool heat energy and can provide an efficient way to provide refrigeration in loud environments. In the global transition to cleaner energy, thermoacoustics can supplement existing refrigeration and fueling units for aircraft, ships, engine rooms, server farms, and off-grid power stations.

The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) saw an opportunity to better harness thermoacoustic technology with a precise, 3D-printed, low-heat conducting stack that allows for sound waves to compress gases and create a cooling system with low-cost additive manufacturing.

Technology Category Infrastructure Resilience & Security
Stage of Development Proof of Concept
Inventor(s) Bryson Jacobs 
Patrick Irwin 
US Patent number US17/544,855
Partnerships Sought License, Cooperative Research & Development Agreement (CRADA)
DHS Component U.S. Coast Guard
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Sound-Fueled Electrical and Cooling System PDF 2.03 MB 04/26/2024
Last Updated: 04/26/2024
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