Video Security Systems Technology
Surveillance to protect people, assets and systems.
Blue UAS for First Responders
UAS are used by first responders to support activities such as search and rescue, firefighting, and post incident reconstruction.
Enhanced Responder Personal Protective Equipment Transport Bags
Transport bags for PPE can mitigate the risk for spread of fireground contamination.
Maritime Surveillance Technologies
Port authorities and security agencies use maritime surveillance technologies to surveil and safeguard ports and other critical infrastructure.
Advanced Life Support Monitoring Systems
Emergency responders monitor and analyze vital signs of patients in critical care situations.
Walk-Through Screening for Mass Casualty Threats
Emergency responders and security personnel use walk-through screening systems to enhance safety and security at soft target locations.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) National Urban Security Technology Laboratory (NUSTL) manages the SAVER Program to assist emergency responders in making procurement decisions. Since its inception in 2004, the SAVER Program has produced more than 1,100 publications. These publications—which include focus group, market survey and assessment reports, as well as technotes, application notes, handbooks, guides and other documents—are described in detail on the SAVER Document Descriptions page. They provide valuable information to assist responders and purchasers with procurement decisions.
SAVER publications often contain a list and description of standards relevant to specific types of equipment. The SAVER Guidance for Use of Standards When Selecting and Purchasing Responder Equipment explains how to make practical use of this information for procurement. It covers what standards are, why they are important, how to verify that standards are met, and how to include requirements for the use of standards in procurement efforts.
Publicly releasable SAVER documents are available here in the SAVER Document Library. SAVER documents with limited distribution are available to members of the SAVER Community by contacting
Messaging apps enable first responders to send information such as messages, alerts, images, and locations between field operators using mobile devices and officers stationed at static locations who are using desktop computers.
Fixed-position direct radiation environmental monitoring systems are capable of continuous, unattended outdoor operation and of providing real-time measurements of the external gamma radiation exposure rate ranging from natural background to emergency levels.
Maritime radiation detection equipment can be deployed on vessels to detect illicit radioactive material.
Wireless surveillance camera systems capture and transmit live video over the air for real-time viewing and/or recording. Law enforcement agencies often use these systems to provide security and surveillance video.
Language translation equipment is used to communicate emergency medical information between non-English speaking, hearing-impaired, or visually-impaired patients (or patient representatives) and emergency responders, including medical services, hospital workers and public health providers.
Field portable gas chromatograph/mass spectrometers (GC/MS) are used by emergency responders during field operations to chemically analyze substances suspected to be narcotics, toxic industrial chemicals, or chemical warfare agents. Included report: Field Portable Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer Focus Group Report.
Radio frequency detection, spectrum analysis, and direction finding equipment detect, identify and analyze radio frequency signals from radios, cellular devices, GPS, Wi-Fi, and other emitting devices. These devices can be used to identify transmissions from suspicious or threatening sources, including interference that may be blocking or damaging first responder communications.
Small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS)—systems whose gross take-off weight is less than 55 pounds—offer tremendous potential for emergency responders supporting public safety missions, allowing responders to carry out missions at a fraction of the cost of a manned aerial response, while keeping them out of personal danger. These systems also offer opportunities to perform missions impossible for manned vehicles, such as exploring the inside of buildings or tunnels.
Police officers, firefighters, paramedics and other emergency response personnel use tactical eyewear to protect their eyes when working in the field. Common hazards that responders use tactical spectacles and goggles to protect against include shrapnel, blunt objects, chemicals, and blood and other biohazards. Included reports: focus group report, assessment report
Personal radiation detectors (PRDs) are small electronic devices worn by emergency responders. These devices alert the wearer to slight changes in the background radiation level for the purpose of detecting and interdicting the illicit movement of radioactive material. Some PRDs, known as spectroscopic personal radiation detectors (SPRDs), also measure the energy spectrum of radiation to identify the radionuclide present. Included report: market survey report.
Facial recognition technology is a contemporary security solution that automatically identifies and verifies the identity of an individual from a digital image or video frame. Included reports: Three-Dimensional Facial Recognition Highlight; Three-Dimensional Facial Recognition TechNote.
Explosives trace detectors are used by public safety organizations to screen packages, vehicles, luggage and other items for minute residues of explosives left on them by people who have recently handled explosives. Instrument users wipe the surface of the item to be screened with a swab and insert the swab into the instrument. Analysis results are produced in less than a minute and often in less than ten seconds. Desktop-sized ETDs are used at fixed checkpoints where their relatively large size, weight, and need to operate on alternating current power can be accommodated. Alternatively, handheld ETDs used for screening activities that are mobile in nature require an easily-carried instrument that can operate on battery power. Included report: Handheld Explosive Trace Detectors TechNote.
Ballistic-resistant body armor is worn by law enforcement officers while in the field to protect against specific ballistic threats; it has also traditionally been designed to conform to the male build. As women's presence in law enforcement continues to grow, body armor is being designed for the female form to ensure women are as protected and comfortable as men when wearing body armor. Included reports: market survey report and technote.
Chemicals absorb light in different narrow spectral bands in a unique manner, creating a spectrum that can be used to indicate the presence of a chemical, identify the chemical, and quantify the concentration. Infrared systems for remote chemical detection use these spectral signatures to remotely detect, identify, and characterize chemicals in the gas or vapor phase. This technology is relatively new, only recently becoming mature enough for emergency responder use. Included reports: market survey report and assessment report.
Radiation pagers and survey meters are small alarming personal radiation detectors worn by personnel that provide visual, auditory, or tactile warnings in the presence of radiation. These devices are the first line of defense when responding to a WMD event. Included reports: highlight, technote, and test and evaluation results.
Radiation survey meters are portable, handheld detectors that can be used during interdiction or response to radiological incidents. These detectors have bigger internal radiation detectors, therefore offering more sensitivity than smaller instruments. Included reports: highlight, technote, and test and evaluation results.
Radiation pagers and survey meters are small alarming personal radiation detectors worn by personnel that provide visual, auditory, or tactile warnings in the presence of radiation. These devices are the first line of defense when responding to a WMD event. Included reports: highlight, summary, and assessment report.
Portable Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy chemical detectors are widely used by responders to identify unknown or suspect materials. Applications include chemical spills, suspicious package screening, clandestine labs, illegal dumping sites, arson investigations, and identification of unlabeled containers or drums. These devices may be used in combination with other technologies to improve confidence in detection and/or identification. Included reports: highlight, assessment report, and technote.
Handheld multi-gas meters are equipped with sensors that monitor oxygen levels as well as sensors that detect the presence of combustible or toxic gases. These meters allow responders to detect multiple chemicals that could pose a hazard to themselves or others. Included reports: highlight, market survey report, and assessment report.
Satellite mobile phones utilize satellites to communicate with landline, cellular, or other satellite phones. By communicating through satellites, responders are able to coordinate rescue and recovery efforts in remote locations where there are no landline or cellular networks or in areas where existing networks are overloaded or out of service. Included reports: market survey report and technote.
Digital forensics is the process of recovering and preserving material found on digital devices during the course of criminal investigations. Digital forensics tools include hardware and software tools used by law enforcement to collect and preserve digital evidence and support or refute hypotheses before courts. Included report: technote.
Geographic information systems (GIS) can be used by responders to make quick and effective decisions in response to disaster events. GIS disaster event models coupled with population data can quickly generate maps illustrating the statistics for affected populations, providing real-time information for evacuation and shelter-in-place planning. Included report: technote.
Throwable robots are a scouting and surveillance tool for law enforcement and military personnel. They provide situational awareness in unknown and potentially dangerous environments. Included report: technote.
Hearing protection with integrated radio communications refers to tactical headsets that are designed to fit under, or attach to, a ballistic helmet. These devices combine electronic hearing protection, radio communications, and the ability to maintain peripheral hearing in a tactical environment. Included reports: highlight, market survey report, and assessment report.
To work safely, rapidly, and efficiently, law enforcement officers must be confident that their uniforms will protect them from hazards that they may encounter, including physical interactions, exposure to liquids, and sun exposure. Enhanced law enforcement uniforms increase the level of personal protection from these hazards, while maintaining comfort and durability. Included report: market survey report.