The Science and Technology Directorate's (S&T’s) Silicon Valley Innovation Program (SVIP) was pleased to host the annual Demo Week conference on May 21-22, 2024, in Alexandria, VA. This two-day event featured keynotes from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) leadership, expert panel discussions on artificial intelligence (AI) and the EU Digital Markets Act impact on U.S. startups, and presentations and technology demonstrations from across SVIP’s startup partners.

Both days kicked-off with a keynote speaker and featured startup technology demonstrations focused on computer vision, cybersecurity, data analytics, health tech, identity, language translation, and sensors. The event also included expert panel discussions on artificial intelligence and partnership pathways for DHS R&D and commercialization, a fireside chat with DHS agencies on working with startups, and breakout sessions led by S&T and SVIP leadership. This year also explored the EU Digital Markets Act impact on U.S. Startups.
You can view the technology demonstration presentations, watch the live panel discussion recordings, and learn more about Demo Week 2024 startup companies and speakers by visiting the SVIP Demo Week 2024 Event Page.
May 21 Agenda:
May 22 Agenda:
About SVIP