Securing Soft Targets | Homeland Security
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Securing Soft Targets

  • Analytical AI (Birmingham, AL) build AI algorithms that link objects (e.g., unattended baggage) to people and track them from perimeter entry from time of entry to the current time and location or perimeter exit. This approach to the analysis of data sets allows detection of change in object location and ownership along with a near real-time look back and look forward capability that can track the handler of the unattended baggage. – (Initial Award April 2023) Currently in Phase 2
  • Flux Tensor (Overland Park, KS) is applying a set of flexible object detection algorithms, based on persistent flux analysis (pFlux), to identify motion of interest from security video feeds with changing weather, light variations, poor video quality in near real time. (Initial award September 2022)—Currently in Phase 2
  • Lauretta AI (Arlington, MA) is adapting their commercial artificial intelligence solution to create a flexible and adaptable anomaly detection system that leverages activity recognition and tracking to capture multiple data points per subject to minimize false alerts. (Initial award September 2022)—Currently in Phase 2
Last Updated: 12/09/2024
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